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Education Garden

Education Garden 2020!

This garden continues to be an integral part of our education programs, for school children and day camp visitors, as well as the thousands of families that share the farm with us.

We are proud to partner with Halton Food for Thought on this project, an organization that, like Andrews', is passionate about healthy local food and the connection to a healthy community. 

The 1/2 acre garden is a hands-on garden space and will allow students to experience planting, growing and harvesting. With the addition of a pollinator patch this season. We'll be busy as bees!

The purpose of the garden is not only to teach about growing vegetables, but will also be the seed of fundraising initiatives to assist Halton Food for Thought in providing healthy local food to the 74,000 students that are part of their local school breakfast programs.

Halton Food for Thought logo.png

Please note that the Education Garden is not open to the public for pick-your-own activities; it is a teaching garden only for children who are visiting the farm as part of our Tour Programs. Tours for the public are offered on select weekends through the season - see our Events Calendar to check dates and times.

Children in the Garden

Why try to explain miracles

to your children when 

you can just let them plant a garden!

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